On March 26, 2022, Monroe County Executive Adam Bello and Rochester Mayor Malik Evans appointed the Urban League of Rochester as the successor organization to the RASE Commission. The Urban League is charged with leading the community-wide implementation of the RASE recommendations, as well as guiding the efforts of the Cedar Grove Institute for Sustainable Communities, a nationally recognized social science firm that provides guidance in the growth of diverse, prosperous and self-reliant communities.
To ensure community voice, the Urban League convened a group of community leaders, named the Powerbrokers of Rochester, to function as a two-way conduit between community members and elected officials to monitor the implementation of the recommendations and to hold the city and county to account for equitable results.
Some members of the Powerbrokers, along with community residents, have organized into Community Advancing Recommendation Teams (CARTs) to work specifically on implementing the RASE recommendations. CARTs represent the Urban League’s efforts to ensure, transparency of the City’s and County’s efforts to implement the recommendations, and inclusivity of diverse voices in the process.