
Formal Charge of the Commission


In acknowledgment of national and local calls for systemic and institutional change, the City of Rochester and County of Monroe are partnering on a joint governmental response to address systemic issues of racial and structural inequities. Through this partnership, the Commission on Racial and Structural Equity (RASE) has been established to review, identify and recommend changes to local laws that will eliminate inequity across our county.


Since the summer of 1964, Rochester has been at the forefront of social change. In the many decades since then, Rochester has continued to evolve its social justice efforts. Rochester Initiative on Structural Equity (RISE), Facing Race, Embracing Equity (FR=EE), the Rochester Monroe Anti Poverty Initiative (RMAPI) and Racial Equity and Justice Initiative (REJI) are a few of the initiatives aimed at recognizing and addressing racial injustice at the interpersonal and institutional levels. The newly formed Commission on Racial and Structural Equity (RASE) acknowledges the groundwork that has been laid for us, as we endeavor to address the structural and systemic issues that allow inequities to persist in our county and city.


In alignment with The City of Rochester and Monroe County’s priorities for racial equity and social justice, the Commission on Racial and Structural Equity (RASE) is hereby charged to:

  1. Inventory and assess current local laws/policies that either promote or are intended to eliminate institutional and structural biases, racism and inequities in the City of Rochester and Monroe County
  2. Provide recommendations to enhance current local laws/policies to increase effectiveness, and/or “sunset” local laws/policies that are ineffective or no longer applicable   
  3. Provide recommendations on any new local laws/policies which address “gaps” identified per “a.” and “b.”